FAQ Cyber-Scrabble

FAQ Cyber-Scrabble

Cyber-Scrabble Technical Questions:

+ What is Scrabble ?
+ What are the Rules of Scrabble ?
+ What is Duplicate Scrabble ?
+ How to play Duplicate Scrabble ? (Rules)

Cyber-Scrabble Technical Questions:

+ I forgot my password
+ Can I use Netscape Navigator ?
+ How do I place my word on the game board ?
+ Any Question ? Have a look at the Online Help...






What is Scrabble ?

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Scrabble is the most famous board game of words in the world. It exists in many different languages, even in arabic ! The board is a square of 225 cells (15x15). There is a bag containing 102 tiles showing a letter on one face. When it is your turn to play, you pick up seven letters. Your aim is to find a word (within the official Scrabble dictionnary) that will fit on the board, horizontally or vertically, respecting crossed-words rules (every new contact should create an existing word). You word will give you some points depending on where you fit it and the letters that you used (Z worth more than E). It is your job to find a very strong word. To learn more about Scrabble, follow the link bellow:

Carrefour du Scrabble (FRENCH)


What are the Rules of Scrabble ?

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The rules of scrabble are internationally the same. Here is a page that I copied from an offical Scrabble web site.

Click here to read the Rules. (ENGLISH)


What is Duplicate Scrabble ?

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Here is a good description of what Duplicate Scrabble is:

Scrabble Duplicate, Découverte (FRENCH)


How to play Duplicate Scrabble ? (Rules)

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This Web Site will give you all information that you might need:

Règlement du Scrabble Duplicate (FRENCH)


I forgot my password

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** Not supported yet **


Can I use Netscape Navigator ?

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Unfortunately, I couldn't find all the tools to implement the Cyber-Scrabble with Netscape browser.
But I do not give up... I still have a hope that one day...


How do I place my word on the game board ?

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When you are playing a round, you have to provide
   1) The word you want to play (FULL WORD = ALL THE LETTERS)
   2) The location of the first letter (example: E3). To do so, use the two combo box
   3) The direction of your word. If you want to put it horizontally or vertically. To do so, use the radio buttons.

After those three steps, the score is displayed in red letters. If you see an error message
like "You don't have those letters" or "Not correct place", you'll have to change the information that you entered and try again.